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Definitions of EN60335 [7/9]

来源: 点击数:10  录入时间:08-07-25 22:01:29

EN60335-Household and similar electrical appliances Safety —Part 1: General requirements

temperature-sensing device, the operating temperature of which may be either fixed or adjustable and which during normal operation keeps the temperature of the controlled part between certain limits by automatically opening and closing a circuit

temperature limiter
temperature-sensing device, the operating temperature of which may be either fixed or adjustable and which during normal operation operates by opening or closing a circuit when the temperature of the controlled part reaches a predetermined value
NOTE It does not make the reverse operation during the normal duty cycle of the appliance. It may or may not
require manual resetting.

thermal cut-out
device which during abnormal operation limits the temperature of the controlled part by automatically opening the circuit, or by reducing the current, and is constructed so that its setting cannot be altered by the user

self-resetting thermal cut-out
thermal cut-out that automatically restores the current after the relevant part of the appliance has cooled down sufficiently

non-self-resetting thermal cut-out
thermal cut-out that requires a manual operation for resetting, or replacement of a part, in order to restore the current
NOTE Manual operation includes disconnection of the appliance from the supply mains.

protective device
device, the operation of which prevents a hazardous situation under abnormal operation conditions

thermal link
thermal cut-out which operates only once and requires partial or complete replacement.



  ·上一篇文章:Definitions of EN60335 [6/9]
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