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DEMKO was founded in 1928 by the Danish government with the brief to test the safety of electrical products before they were marketed and sold in Denmark. As Underwriters Laboratories Inc.’s (UL’s) major subsidiary, DEMKO is part of the world's largest independent, product safety-testing authority. UL is a not-for-profit organization recognized by manufacturers, retailers, insurance companies, other related authorities and, not least, by the consumers. UL has more than 5.200 employees staffing offices, engineering facilities and testing laboratories in more than 70 countries.

In Denmark today, DEMKO is still the National Body for testing of electrical products to the appropriate European or International safety standards. When a product has been affixed with the well-known D-Mark, or has received a DEMKO certificate, the consumer is assured - and the manufacturer has a proof - that the product has been tested to the appropriate safety standards by an authoritative, independent third party. Although, since 1978, electrical products need no longer be affixed with the D-Mark in order to be sold in Denmark, many Danish manufacturers and importers continue to choose to have DEMKO test and affix D-Marks to their products for reasons of consumer safety and European Product Liability legislation.

DEMKO cooperates with the leading Nordic, European and international testing companies who mutually accept each others' test results. With UL, DEMKO is able to test and certify all forms of electrical products under American, Canadian, European and International standards for manufacturers and importers in any country. DEMKO also participates actively in the development of European and International standards for the safety-testing of electrical products.

The D-Mark also provides international traders and exporters with fast access to the marks for other countries without further re-testing through DEMKO’s full participation in the IECEE CB Scheme. DEMKO fully supports all categories of the global CB Scheme for the mutual acceptance of test results between signatory countries, avoiding the need for multiple tests to obtain other safety marks world-wide. Thus one set of tests at DEMKO to IEC Standards, with national differences, results in all international certifications required by clients. We call this - global trade facilitation!