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电烫斗单机跌落试验测试(clause 21.102)

来源: 点击数:10  录入时间:09-01-07 12:17:59
clause 21.102 测试要求主要如下: 

EN 60335-2-3 标准原文:
A separate sample of the iron is supplied at rated voltage with the thermostat
set to the highest position. When the thermostat operates, the iron is disconnected from the

The iron is then placed in a sling that is constructed by tying together the four corners of a
single layer of cheesecloth. The lowest point of the sling is suspended at a height of 900 mm
above a horizontal hardwood board approximately 20 mm thick placed on a concrete or
similar hard surface.

The iron in the sling is dropped from a stationary position. The test is carried out three times,
the iron being positioned so that it falls onto the board first on the right side, then on the left
side and subsequently on its heel. The iron is reheated prior to each drop.
After the test, the iron shall withstand the electric strength test of 16.3, steam irons first being
filled with water as specified in the instructions and allowed to rest for 10 min on their stands.
The iron shall not be damaged to such an extent that compliance with 8.1 and 19.4 is

NOTE This test is only applicable to hand-held parts of the iron.



  ·下一篇文章:包装运输测试(ISTA 3A)
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