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[开关] 开关的标识

来源: 点击数:10  录入时间:09-05-09 10:48:57


1. For circuits for resistive load and for motor load, the rated current for motor load is placed between round brackets and immediately follows the rated current for resistive load. The symbol for the nature of the supply is placed before or after the current and voltage ratings.

2. For  circuits  for  resistive  load  and  for  capacitive  load,  the  marking  of  the  peak  surge current  is  separated  from  the  marking  of  the  rated  current  for  resistive  load  by  a  stroke  and follows immediately the rated current for resistive load.

3. For  circuits  for  resistive  load  and  for  tungsten  filament  lamp  load,  the  peak  surge current  for  tungsten  filament  lamp  load  is  placed  between  square  brackets  and  follows immediately  the  rated  current  for  resistive  load

4. Information concerning declared specific  loads may  be  given  by  reference  to  drawings or to types,
"Electric  motor,  drawing  number  ......,  parts  list  No.  .......,  made  by......",
 or  "5  ×  80  W  fluorescent lamp load".

5. For circuits for inductive load with a power factor of not less than 0.6, the rated current for inductive load is placed  between  double  pointed  brackets.  The  symbol  for  the  nature  of  the  supply  is  placed before or after the current and voltage ratings

6. For  circuits  for  specific  load  of  motor  with a locked rotor and with a power factor not less than 0,6,  the  rated current  of  the motor shall be provided by  adding  the  rated  current  of  the  motor  (for  example, 3 A) as a second value within round brackets, separated by a stroke.
对于标有堵转电流的马达类负载且功率因子大于0.6,马达的额定电流也要圆括内的第二位标出(如: 3A)


1. Information  about  rated  ambient  temperature  shall  be  provided  by  indicating  the  lower temperature value preceding the letter “T”, the higher temperature value following the letter “T”.

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