For the purposes of this Directive the following definitions shall apply: 就本指令的目的而言,适用下列定义: 1. ‘Energy-using product’ or ‘EuP’ means a product which, once placed on the market and/or put into service, is dependent on energy input (electricity, fossil fuels and renewable energy sources) to work as intended, or a product for the generation, transfer and measurement of such energy, including parts dependent on energy input and intended to be incorporated into an EuP covered by this Directive which are placed on the market and/or put into service as individual parts for end-users and of which the environmental performance can be assessed independently; 1.“用能产品”或“EuP”意指一件产品,当其投放市场和/或投入使用时,需靠能量输入(电力、化石燃料和再生能源)完成其预定的工作,或是一件用于产生、转换和计量这种能量的产品,包括依靠能量输入并拟装配到本指令所涵盖的一件EuP上的零件,它们可以作为为最终用户提供的单个零件投放市场和/或投入使用,并且其环境性能可以独立地予以评定; 2. ‘Components and sub-assemblies’ means parts intended to be incorporated into EuPs, and which are not placed on the market and/or put into service as individual parts for end-users or the environmental performance of which cannot be assessed independently; 2.“部件和组件”意指拟装配到EuPs上的零件,它们不能作为为最终用户提供的单个零件投放市场和/或投入使用,或者其环境性能不能独立地予以评定; 3. ‘Implementing measures’ means measures adopted pursuant to this Directive laying down ecodesign requirements for defined EuPs or for environmental aspects thereof; 3.“实施措施”意指据本指令批准为确定的EuPs规定生态设计要求或环境因素的要求; 4. ‘Placing on the market’ means making an EuP available for the first time on the Community market with a view to its distribution or use within the Community whether for reward or free of charge and irrespective of the selling technique; 4.“投放市场”意指将一件EuP以其在共同体内的销售或使用为目的首次在共同体市场上备妥,不论其作为奖品还是免费,也不考虑其销售技巧; 5. ‘Putting into service’ means the first use of an EuP for its intended purpose by an end-user in the Community; 5.“投入使用”意指由共同体内的最终用户首次按一件EuP的设计用途进行使用。 6. ‘Manufacturer’ means the natural or legal person who manufactures EuPs covered by this Directive and is responsible for their conformity with this Directive in view of their being placed on the market and/or put into service under the manufacturer''s own name or trademark or for the manufacturer''s own use. In the absence of a manufacturer as defined in the first sentence or of an importer as defined in point 8, any natural or legal person who places on the market and/or puts into service EuPs covered by this Directive shall be considered a manufacturer; 6.“制造商”意指制造本指令涵盖的EuPs并由于其以制造商自己的名称或商标投放市场和/或投入使用或制造商自用因而负责使之符合本指令的自然人或法人。当首句定义的制造商或第8款定义的进口商缺位时,任何将本指令涵盖的EuPs投放市场和/或投入使用的自然人或法人将被视为制造商; 7 |