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Cord Anchorage Test--EN

来源: 点击数:10  录入时间:07-05-10 11:54:05
1. Test goal

For external cords, cord anchorages shall be adequate.

2. Pretreatment

The cord anchorage is used in the normal manner, clamping screws, if any, being tightened with a torque two-thirds of that specified in screw torque test.

After this preparation, it shall not be possible to push the cable or cord into the luminaire in such a way as to cause movement of the cable or cord at the terminals, or to cause the cable or cord to come into contact with moving parts or parts which operate at a temperature higher than that permissible for the insulation of the conductors.

3. Test procedure

The cable or cord is then subjected 25 times to a steady pull of the value depended on the end product standard, applied in the most unfavorable direction.

The pulls are applied without jerks, each time for 1 s. The measurement of the longitudinal displacement of the cable or cord is made during this test. A mark is made on the cable or cord at a distance of approximately 20 mm from the cord anchorage while it is subjected to the first pull.

The cable or cord shall then be subjected to a torque of the value depended on the end product standard.
4. Evaluation

During the 25th pull, the mark shall not have been displaced by more than 2 mm.

During and after the above tests, the conductors shall not have moved noticeably in the terminals and the cable or cord shall not be damaged.

5. Remark

a. In the pull test, it is recommended to use a constant weight as the force.

b. In the torque test, the torque on the cable or cord shall be applied the point nearest the cord anchorage.



  ·上一篇文章:Ball Pressure Test --IEC 60695-10-2
  ·下一篇文章:包装运输测试(ISTA 3A)
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